100-112 GHz Conical Horn Antenna OCN-08-20
100-112 GHz Conical Horn Antenna OCN-08-20

100-112 GHz Conical Horn Antenna OCN-08-20

Model OCN-08-20 is an F-band conical horn antenna with a WR-08 rectangular waveguide interface that operates from 100 to 112 GHz. The antenna offers 20 dB nominal gain and a typical half power beamwidth of 16 degrees on the E- plane and 20 degrees on the H-plane. The horn also offers typical side lobes of -20 dB on the E plane and -28 dB on the H-plane. The conical horn can support linear polarization. The RF connector of this antenna is a WR-08 waveguide with UG-387 / UM flange.


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100GHz to 112GHz

High Return Loss

Model OCN-08-20 is an F-band conical horn antenna with a WR-08 rectangular waveguide interface that operates from 100 to 112 GHz. The antenna offers 20 dB nominal gain and a typical half power beamwidth of 16 degrees on the E- plane and 20 degrees on the H-plane. The horn also offers typical side lobes of -20 dB on the E plane and -28 dB on the H-plane. The conical horn can support linear polarization. The RF connector of this antenna is a WR-08 waveguide with UG-387 / UM flange.


Circular Waveguide Interface
Precisely Machined and Gold Plated
High Return Loss
Linear Polarization


Antenna Ranges Feed Horns System Setups

Part No.


Frequency *


3 dB Beamwidth, E-plane

3 dB Beamwidth, H-plane Side Lobes, E-plane

Side Lobes, H-plane


Specification Temperature
Operating Temperature



16 °

20 °



1.15 : 1

+25 ˚C

-40 ˚C ~ + 85 ˚C

Part No. OCN-08-20
Frequency 100GHz-112GHz
Gain 20dB
3 dB Beamwidth, E-plane 16 °
3 dB Beamwidth, H-plane 20 °
Side Lobes, E-plane -20dB
Side Lobes, H-plane -28dB
VSWR 1.15: 1
Specification Temperature +25 ˚C
Operating Temperature -40 ˚C ~ + 85 ˚C